Wednesday, April 09, 2014

With a lack of blogs coming your way, you can probably tell I've kept myself quite busy lately. Working as hard as I feel I do, I come home not wanting to do much more than cook and then crash on the couch to watch TV.

Because of this I've realised more and more that I'm working for the weekend. Whether that's a two-day break or split shifts it doesn't matter, my days off are becoming precious commodities. And while I haven't been able to get out on the road or even do the real touristy Darwin things like I thought I would, I'm still making the most of my spare time.

A large part of that has included nights out. I've done a few different things, from gigs to birthday drinks - but it's the amount of clubbing (Darwin-style, where anything goes) I've done that's surprised me. I knew I still had something in me after Dubbo purely because my time there had provided somewhat of a hiatus from heavy bouts of nighttime madness. But going out just about every weekend here has made me feel 19 again - like my energy has fully returned after some time.


Look at this! I mean, I'm not exactly old but I feel this is a decent achievement. I guess why I feel like my youth's back is that I'm just really enjoying myself while actually maintaining stamina. This weekend was big in that I went out Friday, worked Saturday, went out bigger that night and still socialised for the bulk of yesterday. And I felt alright in hindsight.

Talking with friends, I know by the mid-20s going out hard loses its appeal to a lot of people. And that's fair enough, we all look for different things. For me, to know I still have the energy to do it is a positive. I think the climate and chilled lifestyle here has a bit to do with having that - it's warm all the time and you want to stay out, and there's people nearly always willing to do something. This is just something that suits me extremely well right now.


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