Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I should first address that I've neglected this blog for some time, but I believe for good reason. I'm turning my attention to a new blog called being eNTertained, which will collate all of my entertainment-related work and ramblings into the one unit.

While I will still use this blog to share thoughts and stories about other things, regular posts on here such as film reviews and Eurovision posts will now be featured on being eNTertained. So please join me over in my new world whenever you please.

What I wanted to discuss on this platform was the idea of learning a new language. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time, mainly with getting my limited Greek up but also dallying in French classes. I have tried to pursue language learning again since my move to Darwin, which is now 11 months ago, but have been unsuccessful in getting anything started.

I came across an online platform called Babbel which I find interesting - it's like a computer game where it spits out key phrases and gets you to match them up with English sentences, etc. I came across it via a video of one of their employees showing off his nine language-repertoire.

Babbel doesn't offer Greek among the good dozen or so languages which is disappointing. But for some reason I clicked on German and quickly learnt a couple of phrases. I was doing well with the match-ups... but I've always doubted if I could actually do it.

Then I swear Babbel read my mind. They send an article through about how older people have just as much a chance to learn a language, and are better equipped because their experiences tell them how they best learn so as not to waste time.

On reading it I've thought maybe there is a chance for me after all if I can apply myself somewhere down the track.


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