Monday, June 28, 2010
Dear Diary,
What a night of football we saw. How incredibly unlucky for the Poms. What a match-up it turned out to be. Germany vs England ended up being the game of the tournament so far - but not for all the right reasons. The refereeing continues to bring a blight to the game and its constant mentioning warrants more pressing questions.
Hoping for an England win, the 2-0 lead to Germany wasn't looking good. But two minutes of brilliance and the Poms were suddenly back in the game. But for Lampard's strike to unbelievably be called out shocked even us neutrals. Heck, Andy Roddick was even having a go at FIFA left, right and centre via Twitter. A great strike from at least thirty yards out, and it ends up playing out as the opposite to the debatable goal from the '66 Final.
A real shame to find they couldn't swing the momentum their way for most of the second half. The decision obviously affected them and only in the last 15 minutes did they look like making a serious threat again. Rooney made almost no impact, and their defence had to work too hard just to keep up. The 'Golden Generation' have had their day.
Hours of sleep: 3.5. Woke up for the second half of Argentina vs Mexico before going to work. Tevez's goal was awesome.
Labels: Andy Roddick, England, Frank Lampard, Germany, soccer, South Africa, Twitter, Wayne Rooney, World Cup
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Dear Diary,
Oh how behind am I? Watching highlights of Ghana vs USA, the score of which I didn't know until about twenty minutes ago. I need to watch the news more intently. GOOOOOOOAAALLLLL! That goal from the Ghanian in extra time was awesome... Ok so the past two nights have been relatively - hang on, who's that guy? Andre Ayew apparently... - whoops, back on track. Relatively quiet, not a lot watched.
Managed to see most of the replay of Slovakia vs Italy. What a final fifteen minutes. I so wish I'd seen that live. That was incredible football. Looked like Italy were actually trying... my game of the night was Brazil vs Portugal. That was meant to be a showdown - and it was really boring. The commentator said it was a 3rd-string Brazilian team, and it showed. Not as many fancy skills or as high-tempo a game. I vaguely remember the second half starting and then went to bed what seemed like five minutes later. Hours of sleep: 5.5.
Last night was unfortunate - although a quiet Saturday night out was had, there was no way I could've stayed up to watch Ghana vs USA... although we did have a World Cup McDonalds experience - stayed in the Cross Rd restaurant past midnight when they normally shut it. Woo! But I was falling asleep (yes, in a public place. Think I've mentioned I have a tendency to do that) and so hit the hay as soon as I got home. Hours of sleep: 6.5? I don't remember what time I went to bed...
Plenty of hype surrounding England vs Germany... Ed Kavalee put it so well on Cup Fever (the SBS show) when he said that the World Cup's really started now. The business end of the tournament should bring some cracker contests! Would've loved to have gone out tonight; the Barmy Army supporters (they do call them that for football too right?) would be a fun bunch regardless of where you are. Time for Shrek to step up!
Labels: Cup Fever, Ed Kavalee, England, Ghana, McDonalds, SBS, soccer, South Africa, USA, World Cup
Friday, June 25, 2010
Dear Diary,
Ohhhhh, what did I MISS last night???? I don't know if I've been more shittier so far this Cup (actually, I have with the Socceroos not getting through, but still...). Was totally keen to watch Paraguay vs New Zealand because the All Whites have been the surprise packet of the tournament. So I was writing my last entry while watching the beginning of that... and then fell asleep. Again. I wake up at midnight to find the channel switched to SBS Two for the Slovakia vs Italy game and also find myself to be really groggy. Had no choice to retreat after such a draining 20-hour day.
Why am I so disappointed? Well, I wake up to this staring at me on the kitchen table:
That's my father leaving me a note. He doesn't do that - for anything - unless it's rather important. Obviously it was. Diagram and all. Then Mum walks in asking me who was screaming so loud last night.
'It wasn't me! I went to bed...'
'Well, it must've been the boys, they were so loud...'
That was a kick in the guts. Then it clicked to me that Italy were out, especially when Mum said she heard about it on the news. Italy are out... that's a good feeling, although it'll never erase the pain of 2006. AND I MISSED IT.
Theeeeennn, I see EVERYONE's post on Facebook saying how amazing it was. AM I THE ONLY PERSON THAT DIDN'T WATCH IT??!?! To say I'm disappointed in myself is a massive understatement. Even watching a replay wouldn't help with this, it seems to be one of those things. Always seem to miss out on the good ones, and it's really frustrating me. Now it's making me laugh because of the fact that Dad was so hyped up about it. But I am really annoyed. Such is life.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Dear Diary,
It's now 10:54pm and I've been up since 3:30am for the Socceroos game (which was of course match of the night - although I'm a bit annoyed I missed USA; even though I'm not a fan of theirs that game would've been interesting. The only goal in the final minute!...). Hours of sleep: 5 or so... felt it at work all this afternoon and even a bit now. I'm still getting my head around the various events that have filled the day.
I don't know that I can say the Socceroos' loss is the biggest thing that happened. After all, we DID get a new Prime Minister (Julia Gillard - first female PM AND former Unley High scholar... represennnnnt!). But I certainly feel shattered by it. Confused, but shattered. Different environment for this one, I stayed at home with company in my dad and brother. I was hopeful, unlike so many others, that they were capable of a win and that miracles may happen. And for a while it looked like it might. The first goal from Cahill
Diary, I FELL ASLEEEEEEP! It's 7am exactly on Friday morning now, I'm hopeless. SO: The first goal from Cahill was amazing and by that point Mum was even up getting ready for work. So with my dad and brother sitting with me we all saw the marvel that he is. Even Mum got a bit excited. The boys and I were beside ourselves. And when Holman repeated his good form we couldn't believe the good fortune the soccer gods were finally displaying on our team. But alas, it wasn't the perfect game - the goal against us cut deep and the realisation that we still missed out on progressing even with a win still hurts. I didn't even have time to process... after getting ready at half time, I had to rush straight to Fresh (Funny story that, Tim and I legged it up two flights of stairs and with 10 seconds to go made it into the studio before I had to speak. A breathless intro ensued... and then Jase didn't rock up and I did most of the show alone).
Now it's a day later I can reflect a bit better... the win and everything else seemed to be a bit overshadowed - albeit for a good reason (you know, having a new PM and all). But watching The World Cup Show last night (when I was meant to have finished this), Les Murray brought it all back into perspective. His use of Winston Churchill's quote that 'success is never final, failure is never fatal' was absolutely spot on and I felt so moved and inspired by his words; so proud to be an Australian with a team full of fighting spirit. I remember feeling much the same post-2006 when Murray did a similar speech after the loss to Italy. I love how sport can move people much the same as things like music and family. Murray always knows what to say in these situations and I'm so glad I actually tuned in to watch it. And then Craig Foster (deservedly) went and bagged Verbeek. Gold.
Oh, and among all this was also the information that I'd missed history in the making with the longest tennis game ever at Wimbledon. Up to 59-all in the fifth set?! Ridonkulus.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Dear Diary,
Again, I've been slack. Night Eleven didn't bring a later night than normal, so felt rather meh about it yesterday. Although it was entertaining. Walk in to see Portugal score their second goal against North Korea and thought 'alright, that makes sense'... keep doing my business, three minutes later another one. Thought 'ok, talk about good timing.' Then as I'm at my laptop every few minutes there's an 'OHHHHHH!!!' and I look to see Portugal scoring yet again.
I thought the Socceroos' loss to Germany was bad. This was annihilation. I felt embarrassed for them (and admittedly also relieved there was a bigger loss than the one involving us). And it was interesting also to see Cristiano Ronaldo score - I honestly don't think I've ever watched a game and seen him get it through. Then I find out it's his first international score in two years. That's a long time between drinks. Or Castrol ads.
Hours of sleep: estimated at 7.5 (but that really sounds wrong). Fell asleep in front of computer and then realised when I woke up I hadn't set my alarm :/
Then last night: Greece vs Argentina. Against all plans I ended up staying at home watching it el solo. What an awesome display by the Greek defence. Now, I prefer an attacking game (in any sport mind you), but the resilience against the strength of the Argentinians for three quarters of the match was incredible. I'd gone into it hoping for a draw and it really looked like we'd get there. Samaras was cutting through the centre backs and was unlucky to score, and on the other end goalie Tzorvas was easily the man of the match. Messi was limited in his fancy footwork, and in a game where all three subs were used on both teams it proved an almost miracle contest. A real shame about the two late goals to send Greece home. They were also hoping Nigeria could beat South Korea but alas only failure.
Hours of sleep: 5.5. Curves opens at 6:30 so pretty much got changed and went straight after the game.
Imagine the possibilities if Samaras was a Socceroo (he WAS born in Melbs after all)... have him up front and have the double whammy, Jesus 1 & 2. That would be an awesome Aussie attack... I've been sad today, knowing that one of my teams are out for this Cup. And very nervous about the others' fate tonight. I'm hoping third time lucky - NO red cards, NO goals conceded. We have the ability to play well against Serbia, and I so dearly hope it shows.
Labels: Argentina, Cristiano Ronaldo, Curves, defence, Greece, Lionel Messi, Samaras, soccer, Socceroos, South Africa, Tzorvas, World Cup
Monday, June 21, 2010
Dear Diary,
I've found my groove again. Small sacrifices are necessary for the bigger picture. But I still don't have the best knack of choosing the best game of the three to focus on watching, which is frustrating. Take last night: out of Paraguay vs Slovakia, Italy vs New Zealand and Brazil vs Ivory Coast I picked the latter. I thought it was a no-brainer - six-time champs against a top African team led by Chelsea's Didier Drogba... but my doubts got to me when I awoke from my slumber at 4am, finding two texts from Penny mentioning how awesome it was that Italy and NZ drew. I couldn't fathom this at 4am. I still can't fathom it now. THEY DREW??? 1-ALL?? Wow, so New Zealand are the surprise packet of the tournament so far, holding the reigning champions and a decent European side to draws. It's astounding - THEY'RE DOING BETTER THAN AUSTRALIA. There, I said it. And I'm actually annoyed that I haven't really seen them play properly. Therefore making the game vs Paraguay my must watch.
So the Brazil-Ivory Coast game was still good. Great plays by the Brazilians, especially leading to that first goal by Luis Fabiano. Genius. But Drogba didn't go unheard of, which is a relief for I.C. I'm sure. Loved that the Brazilian defenders missed him completely and couldn't do anything but stand there gaping. It's funny to watch.
I also discovered I love saying Cote d'Ivoire. If I was a commentator I'd always say that in a put-on husky voice with my newly learned French accent: 'Cote d'Ivoooooire...' Very intriguing.
Hours of sleep: 5. Had brekky before it ended and got ready for work just after it finished. Didn't fall asleep - because I left the heater off. Small sacrifices = bigger picture.
Labels: Brazil, Cote d'Ivoire, Didier Drogba, football, Italy, Ivory Coast, New Zealand, sleep, soccer, Socceroos, South Africa, World Cup
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Dear Diary,
There wasn't much to say about night eight, except that it was important to watch Serbia vs Germany for a result to affect our game. Serbia's upset was surprising; Germany's Miroslav Klose - sent off?! That's HUGE for their game against Ghana, and good for us because we now need the Ghanians to win. More on that in a minute.
Only saw second half of the Serbia vs Germany game at Penny's... and again next thing I know I'm jolting in my seat. I'd fallen asleep before it was over and found her parents curiously looking at me. Time to go home. At the expense of USA's game I went to sleep and got approx 5.5 hours sleep (oh and night seven was something like five - Diary, I'm getting sloppy).
So night nine was the chance for the Socceroos to seek redemption and get the win we so sorely needed. Attempted the Rosemont again but it didn't happen. Made some friends in the line though, one of whom presented me with his Solo promo undies (which were seen on numerous heads and over jeans along Hindley Street for much of the night). We gave up 20 minutes before kick-off and we managed to get into the Casino's sportsbar a few minutes into the game. SO SQUASHY in there it was ridiculous. But when we scored, it went boonta. Surprised I didn't get hurt in such close confines. But I didn't like the set-up. Their big screen was too low so you couldn't see much unless you were right at the front.
I was only watching on a smaller screen (where I could see) when Kewell was sent off. The disbelief in the room was incredible. I didn't understand what had happened... I'm still in disbelief. Apparently some are saying any handball (intentional or not) in the goalbox or on the last line is an automatic red card. I've never heard that rule before, and for it to happen to frickin' HARRY KEWELL of ALL people, it's the most unfortunate thing our team has endured. World Cups really don't go our way, do they? As a fan I feel enormously frustrated at all the constant bad calls and lack of recognition for being there - imagine what would be going through their heads! Ffs, how long will it take before they realise we're there to play and not just making up the numbers!!!
Hours of sleep: actually did get some. 5.5 hours again I think. Feeling okay physically. Mentally, not so much, I can't believe the bad luck's returned. Talk about deja vu.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Dear Diary,
I'm a bit sad this morning... the World Cup so far has provided almost sleepless nights and interesting results but I let myself down overnight. The one day I was feeling fine (even on 2.5 hours sleep) and had time to relax at home what happens? I end up falling asleep on the couch BEFORE the start of Greece vs Nigeria - and then not even my brother could wake me up properly until his scream of 'Ohhhhh!' in the latter part of the second half. Shameful.
Had been hanging out ALL day, and then I was struck by stomach pains. So fine, it wasn't something I could control - besides lying down, but as soon as I do THAT what else is going to happen? Make me MORE awake? Pfft, sure. So I watched the last 20 minutes intently and by the end felt more awake than I had for half the day. Aaaaargh!
Found out some interesting things though. Chris reckons he tried waking me up at least twice last night - but did he emphasise that GREECE was on? Don't think so. I don't remember any of this, I must have been so out of it. Then he tells me when the Portugal vs Ivory Coast game ended a few nights ago and he woke me to go to bed I said: 'I have to wake you up at 6am to go to bed'. Or something. Rambling and not making any sense.
It got me thinking whether it's worth watching as much as I can at the expense of my inability to actually keep my eyes open. For some reason I feel like I'm missing out, like I'm not paying 100% attention to the good matches. Got shittier when I heard the commentator say how good a game it was. And it's not like I can really watch a replay when I'm back at work (and reality, yesterday was such a productive day off...). How frustrating. At least I found my Hellas scarf (authentic and all), I'll be wearing that today!
Oh yeah, (when I load it) I want to put a photo of me with a vuvuzela up. It's hilarious.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
So the first round ended with the games overnight, with my pick of the three games on offer Spain vs Switzerland. The Swiss captain Alexander Frei is out, who I actually remember from four years ago (shame, he's fair good). That's what I'm loving about watching all these games; picking out those I remember from '06 and those I don't recognise. A lot are still around which is good. It bothers me that I don't watch a lot of soccer regularly so it's interesting to refresh yourself on players' strengths after so long.
Ok so to the games: saw last part of Chile vs Honduras - but saw the end of the first half while DRIVING in my car, on an iPhone. How am I excited about an iPhone? Oh how the times have changed; from me being totally against it the whole app/everything else thing I now find myself getting an iTouch as a replacement for my 3rd (or 4th)-gen iPod! Such is life. Anyway, I informed my friend Nav (see 'Navioli' blog) that because she's with Optus she has free live access to all the games. So she tried it, and it worked. And it's a really good picture too. Very clear. Considering the roads were wet it probably wasn't the best idea for me to be looking at the phone half the time - but I was impressed dammit! Meanwhile I've paid $8 for the month to access SBS unlimited on my own phone - but for some reason it won't connect! And it's not just SBS either, other channels are the same. So maybe there's something wrong with my connection :(
Watched most of Spain v Switzerland and was pretty impressed that the Swiss team held the favourites scoreless. Seems they needed Torres for longer than they had him on. Sure, he's been injured, but not on for the whole first half? Oh well, it was surprisingly worth seeing him anxious on the sidelines. And he's cut his hair - therefore looking a whole lot better.
Because of my radio work I'm up early on Thursdays anyway so figured I'd get up for South Africa vs Uruguay at 4. But instead I found myself setting my alarm for normal time and resting on the floor for half an hour. Saw Diego Forlan's amazing goal though, the yells from the commentators made me jolt up... So I watched the majority of all three games, a PB so far. Sleep count: 2.5hrs (uninterrupted, again another PB. Actually proud of this.). I have the entire day off, which is a miracle, but it's not one of rest so I'm going to be knackered. But hey, it's worth it.
I JUST TRIED BLOWING A VUVUZELA!!! That's the opportunity that live radio gives you... and I failed miserably. Jase had one in his shed from years ago and we dubbed today's show 'The Vuvuzela Special'... I actually managed to finally get a sound out of it, so so proud of myself! My South Africa experience is almost complete. Oh, and a small sidenote: a regular customer at Valleygirl comes up to me yesterday and says: 'Saw you on TV the other night!' She said I looked nice... that's reassuring. Greece tonight - I'm going to watch it regardless of how tired I am!!!
Labels: Australia, football, iPhone, iPod, iTouch, soccer, South Africa, Valleygirl, vuvuzela, World Cup
Dear Diary,
Well, I'm well underway of night six but I hit another low with night five. Key match was Portugal v Ivory Coast and was very keen after the surprise of New Zealand's 1-all draw with Slovakia. Decided to make myself a hot chocolate and crank the heater to make myself comfortable. Big mistake. I was toasty and warm and enjoying the first part of the game... but I again found myself drifting off.
Chris gets home from work, and when he sits down he starts barking at me for falling asleep. It's not my fault I can't keep my eyes open!!! (Ok so it is but still...) I keep hearing him waking me up and at half time I demand he leave me alone until it starts up again. I vaguely remember glimpses from there and next thing the TV's off and he's shaking me saying: 'It's 1:30, the game's over. Go to bed!' How SHIT. Why am I missing out? It's not fair! I don't have the luxury of watching replays on SBS Two during the day (which I didn't know were airing until today).
But do I feel I'm missing out, or is it that the games seem a little lacklustre so far? It's easy to get the impression that there haven't really been any standout games within the first round of group matches - sure, North Korea holding Brazil scoreless for a half is good, as were displays from Germany (grrr), The Netherlands and Italy. But the latter three are to be expected. I want to see games that will keep me awake in the wee hours of the morning because they're unpredictable.
Felt better today. Maybe that's because hours of sleep totalled five. And I could've had more, but I made myself visit the gym. Again, shock horror, two days running! Haha that's not possible tomorrow, but the point of trying to look after myself amidst the imminent trail of destruction of my sanity is being taken. For the love of the world game, it's all worth it.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Dear Diary,
I couldn't bring myself to write in here again before now, I'm still crushed by the Socceroos' loss. After my last entry I slept in my sorrows for five hours and still felt like absolute shite when I had to get out of bed. Yes, even though it was a public holiday I still had to get up. Can't believe they're considering suspending Tim Cahill for TWO games because of the red card. If anything I would think FIFA had the authority to REVOKE the decision because it was unwarranted. However, the upside to yesterday was that I managed to get myself on TV. TWO stations (Nine and Ten), one as a vox pop with a comment (thanks Nick lol) and one belting out the national anthem with scarf above head. Sound embarrassing? It still is. But for some reason I find myself hilarious. Should I be admitting that? Now I feel like a comedian should when they laugh at their own jokes: like a douche.
Last night I have to admit I hit struggle town. Now, lately I've been okay with handling long hours at work and everything else, but I think adrenaline has a lot to do with it. Watched bits and pieces of Netherlands v Denmark (the og was HILARIOUS, at least the guy himself saw the humour in it), but I was really keen on Italy v Paraguay at 4am. So after sitting in front of the lappy until midnight I got my shuteye.
First half, I was fine. Saw Paraguay's goal, the Italians were panicking and noticed they had a few younger players in their squad (although it's interesting that they're still a VERY strong side and it's the oldest in the Cup). Second half, kept drifting off... 'woke up' at one stage to see a 1-all scoreline, nodding in agreement. Next thing I notice it's NOT 3-1 in Italy's favour. Guess the images I saw of two extra goals being scored were figments of my imagination. My bad. Before I know it, it's 6am and Mum's asking me to take her to work. And so began my day.
Hours of sleep: 4. Have slight headache, but that could be from straining my brain at French class before. I couldn't remember what 'vous vous appelez comment' meant when she sprang that on me. It's only what we learnt in the first lesson... Idiot.
OMG, NEW ZEALAND JUST SCORED. WHAAAAT??? First goal for NZ at the Cup in 28 years apparently. First POINT in Cup history (think I heard that right). HA, they've drawn with Slovakia. Wow, that's fair impressive. Go All Whites. Ok, looks like I'm ending this on a good note. Ivory Coast and Portugal to come. Brazil later a possibility.
Labels: Channel Nine, Channel Ten, FIFA, football, Italy, New Zealand, soccer, Socceroos, South Africa, Tim Cahill, TV, World Cup
Monday, June 14, 2010
Dear Diary,
It's 6:31am and I'm feeling awake - but I'm surely in a nightmare. I have to be; the Socceroos can't have just lost 0-4 to Germany...
Maybe I had too much expectation. There was certainly a lot from everyone else though so it wasn't all on me. The line at the Rosemont was crazy and we were lucky to get in after a half-hour wait. No regrets on going out - as my first real 'sport with people' experience, pre-match it was incredible. Drums, plenty of singing - and the place to be with the media, with AdelaideNow and Ten (at least) there with cameras. Could be on Ten tonight thanks to Nick (connections haha).
Watching the Socceroos unravel was heartbreaking. Schwarzer was rattled, and the ref was really off his game (except for dives, he pretty much picked all of those out). TIM CAHILL GOT A RED CARD FOR TRIPPING OVER HIMSELF? REEEEALLY?! It was beyond a joke, and now he's absent from the Ghana clash. Spewing. The first goal was also clearly offside, but we won't go there...
We had six in defense and still couldn't stop the (admittedly pretty good) plays from Germany. They're obviously a better team, but we could've been if Kewell, Kennedy and Bresciano were on. Perhaps Verbeek saw the game as a no-win and wanted to rest them - but what's the frickin' point? EARTH TO PIM: IT'S THE WORLD CUP! Kewell maybe, coming from injury, but not the other two. Why does Jesus never start? I don't get it. The Socceroos were afraid to attack - Cahill was quiet - and the only solid performers were Neill and perhaps Wilkshire. And Garcia (who I don't reckon I've ever watched play before) tried to create scoring ops, but there was no-one up front for support!
Hours of sleep: 3 (and that's WITHOUT watching Serbia v Ghana). Maybe that's why I'm so cranky. No, that's not it. It's that we can do so much better than that and it wasn't reflected on the scoreboard. I think I'm going to drown my sorrows in sleep. And then face the day looking forward to Saturday night's game with Ghana. If we don't win that one... oh man...
Labels: Adelaide, Australia, Channel Ten, Harry Kewell, Pim Verbeek, soccer, Socceroos, South Africa, Tim Cahill, World Cup
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Dear Diary,
It's 3:10pm Sunday as I write this sentence, reflecting on the fact that Greece are the 'easybeats' of Group B (the commentator's words, not mine) and the huuuuge blunder by England's goalie against the US.
So viewing of Greece vs S.Korea was minimal because I was out - but a 0-1 deficit in the first 20 minutes wasn't a good sign. I get home later to find the 0-2 loss was a result of defensive slips. Disappointing. Saw last 10 minutes of Argentina vs Nigeria though, and Lionel Messi... well, he was unlucky to score. The guy showed so much brilliance (yes, even in just that 10 minute gap) and couldn't convert! It's a classic example of the world's best performing less than standard when playing in their national colours (Thierry Henry is another example if it must be argued).
Two hours of sleep later and I was up for England vs USA at 3:30am. My brother had stayed up and was surprisingly awake until about 5:30. I was surprisingly ok for about the same time. Ok, I lie: I kept 'resting my eyes' throughout. Kicks in the side provided a good incentive for me to do otherwise.
Good game; the US had more possession than I would've thought and the fact that it was a draw astounded me. The goal that England's keeper let through was ridiculous... wasn't behind the ball. It was like watching a train wreck with the various replays - the more intriguing the more you see it. Gerrard's goal was a great showcase of a strong attack and taking the lead four minutes in was actually a surprise. I wanted England to win (right now I feel it's important to pick any side against a particular team, and in 2010 the 'hate team' is the US. No hard feelings...) but I can handle a draw.
Then another 2.5 hours of sleep and I had to get up for the day. Therefore sleep count: 4.5 hours. Went to a movie before - and didn't even get close to dozing off (as some would know, I'm prone to doing that more and more these days). Very proud.
GEARING UP FOR THE SOCCEROOS AT 3:30AM TONIGHT!!! Scarf's ready to go, rounding up the crew and heading out to watch it amongst the people. Thank goodness tomorrow's a public holiday, we're allll gonna need it :D
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Dear Diary,
Ok, so it's NIGHT one because it's not during the day in Australia. Just making that clear to possible international readers.
Missed the opening ceremony and analysis on SBS (Shitty? Yes. Even shittier because I could've taped it? To say the least, uh-huh.) because my friends and I decided to scout a few possible viewing locations around Adelaide... After a pitstop at Adelaide Uni's UniBar (non-soccer related), we found that the casino was not to our liking and The Rosemont (which I'd heard so much about but never ventured in) was TOTALLY what we were looking for. So we'll hopefully make the trip in for the Socceroos v Germany game.
Returned home just in time for the 2nd half of South Africa v Mexico. After refuelling with a bacon and cheese sausage roll (Adelaideans, Vili's was PACKED at midnight, more than usual...) I felt awake and was in awe of Siphiwe Tshabalala's goal. What an absolute cracker. Good to see the locals getting so behind their team. Suddenly, it was 20 minutes later and Mexico had equalled. So much for the refuel. Oh well.
Couldn't stay up for Uruguay v France, there wouldn't have been any point because I was dozing off already. Plus a 9am start at work doesn't help. A pity there isn't a game between 1:30 & 3:30am (ACST) - it either runs late or reeeeally early. But I'm still going to be proud enough to say I'm on (blank) hours sleep.
So how much sleep did I get? 5.5 hours. Slightly less than my non-World Cup average of 6.5 anyway. So feeling fairly good.
Tonight: going out (missing Greece v South Korea - boooo - GO HELLAS!), then doing my best to watch England v USA at 3:30. Just want to see the Yanks lose. Not entirely sure why. If anyone has suggestions, please, put them on the table.
And so begins my insomnia.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
The songs themselves were fairly lacklustre, in both the semis and the final itself. There weren’t any standout Euro-trash pop hits we’ve learnt to love (Bosnia & Herzegovina’s Deen’s In The Disco from 2004 will always have a place in my heart) and the ballads far outweighed anything else. Perhaps the European Union’s crisis with their currency mellowed the mood a bit. Certainly did with the hosts (three making one too many), whose zany nature only showed promise in the final – especially Erik Solbakken - although their outfits weren’t reflective of that nor changed nearly enough. No serious mood for Greece however, with Giorgos Alkaios & Friends shouting ‘OPA!’ like nothing had happened. One half of SBS Australia’s hosting team Julia Zemiro saw the irony and posed the burning question: ‘If Greece wins next year, can it afford to host it?’ Line of the night. No, actually, Giorgo’s reponse was… ‘I’ve been asked that question for the last three months.’ Poor poor bugger.
Not even a song from two-thirds of the Stock/Aitken/Waterman powerhouse trio could save teen Josh Dubovie and the UK from sinking to another wooden-spoon finish. With just two countries to go, Belarus scored an unprecedented 12 points (Unprecedented? Don’t be stupid, it was from an Eastern European country!), and left the poor darling to languish. Australia’s other hosting half Sam Pang anticipated this too, and we saw that even Dubovie was startled as the frank question was posed before the voting. The hosts were really on the ball all night, even when half the viewers missed serial pest Jimmy Jump crash the Spanish choreography.

The winning song came from a country to have only previously won once in the 55-year history. Germany’s Lena appealed with a Goth/Avril Lavigne look and the weirdest mix of accents to win with ‘Satellite’, which was undoubtedly one of the better songs of the night. Although having said that, it’d be interesting to listen to a different artist’s version. Greece, Iceland and Azerbaijan were also personal favourites. There’s no doubt that most of the time the voters get the overall winner right – but what they vote otherwise is often debatable. But in a year when the songs aren’t what they’re cracked up to be, what do you do – vote for looks?
If any year was one to vote for the hottest singer, 2010 was it. The calibre of genetically-lucky guys and girls was unlike anything previously seen in Eurovision before. However, voters still thought with their political heads over their hearts, which saw the UK’s Dubovie, Israel’s Harel Skaat, Norway’s Didrik Solli-Tangen and even Cyprus’ Welsh singer (say what?!) Jon Lilygreen fail. The ladies fared a bit better; Azerbaijan’s Safura, Georgia’s Sofia Nizharadze and Armenia’s Eva Rivas all with top-10 finishes. Regardless of their singing abilities (or lack of; some were actually quite shocking), it was a visual treat.

The prelude to the night’s climax was the biggest highlight - even bigger than Lena’s disgruntlement at last year’s winner Alexander Rybak’s cheeky lip kiss. Shock horror, the 15 minutes we had to wait was INTERESTING! Hip-hop duo Madcon stunned us with Glow (why weren’t they an entry?!) and cities all around Europe dong the Flash Mob Dance. With choreography like ‘bow-and-arrow, bow-and-arrow, click, click, click, click’ choreography, households across Australia were up and dancing with them. Well my friends’ was anyway. That managed to salvage the event from being anything less than a spectacle. And then it was over. For as soon as it crept up on us, Eurovision was gone for another year. I can only wait until May 2011 for Berlin with excited anticipation - for the spectacle and Australian Tweeters going crazy for it as a Trending Topic.
Labels: Australia, Eurovision, Eurovision Song Contest, Lena, SBS, Twitter