Friday, December 03, 2010

Wow, what a morning... wake up at 1:45am to discover FIFA have delayed the announcements of the World Cup 2018/2022. Good thing I didn't wake up earlier. But I was glad to discover OneHD were talking to none other than Hamish McDonald, who was trying to get updates via Twitter while talking with Brad McEwen. Man I love this guy. Best young journalist ever. Seriously, he puts a smile on my face. WHY DON'T WE GET AL-JAZEERA ENGLISH IN AUSTRALIAAAA?! So I felt better that I hadn't missed the big call AND felt in the loop because of the discussion.

Took the advice and went on Twitter. Early reports tweeted on there first rang true: Russia (you could see the distaste on Prince William's face, it was kind of funny. Oh, and the VP blocking Vodianova - that right? - in the official photos: hilarious) and then... QATAR. Ok, so Russia I can handle, never done Eastern Europe, cool. But Qatar?! REALLY? I've only seen Doha Airport, and after spending six hours in the place it wasn't that great. Pluuuuus the humidity is ri-DI-culous. And they're not even the size of TASMANIA. WHAAAAT?! I did not know this. Read somewhere we should've just based our bid out of there... could we have done any better? I don't know. All I do is that money talks. Money talks. Dirty cash I want you, dirty cash I need you oh. Disappointing.

In other European news, ITALY HAVE APPLIED FOR EUROVISION 2011. Another total left-of-field result. They've had a 13-year absence. To quote from the press release sent to my email (I'm trying to get tickets, okay?):

"We are eager to show the Italian people how the contest has evolved over the past 13 years. I am sure they will be positively surprised!" (Jorgen Franck)

So they're good enough for it now are they? What's Berlusconi been doing all this time? Shocked it's taken him this long... whether Dusseldorf will be better for it who knows. But this is the biggest news to hit the Contest in years. Maybe as big as the whole TATU controversy. Ah TATU. Those were the days...


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