Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Networking can never fail. It’s so powerful because you just keep creating more power sources. It’s like geometric progression.

If you can conceive it in your mind, then it can be brought into the physical world.

If you work at living your life a moment – instead of a decade – at a time, then you can cope with your challenges.

You can attend a beautiful service every Sunday, and you can practice all kinds of Bible sayings, and you can label yourself with the most fantastic tags that you can come up with, but you won’t find your heart in a temple if you don’t have a temple in your heart.

The beggars in the streets of New Delhi, the boat people in Malaysia, the royalty in Buckingham Palace, the factory workers in Detroit, and you (whoever you are) are all equal cells in the body called humanity.

If children are raised in peace, they will not know how to be warlike.

We are all at once teachers and learners in every encounter of our lives.

Every problem you have you experience in your mind. The solution to the problem is in the same place.

Starvation is part of what the universe is about, but so is my desire to change it.


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