Saturday, November 29, 2014

When craft fairs got cool

It was a good day for food and shopping today.

First there was the cruffin. Yeah, that's right, cruffin. Blueberries and white chocolate consumed by a croissant pastry more shaped like a muffin. Awesomeness in a dessert, right there. That one's thanks to the cool cats at AlleyCats Patisserie.

Then I went along to the annual Marrara Christmas Craft Fair, which I'd heard was a big deal in the scheme of craft fairs around these parts.

And wasn't I given the biggest surprise of my life?

My eventual purchases excluding gifts

I walked in thinking I'd be done in maybe half an hour. I was there about two hours, looking at nearly every stand - what was so great was that these people weren't on the usual market scene, so it was all new to me.

I bought a bag from a woman who makes different styles and sources fabrics nationwide all herself, after having to painstakingly pick just one (because money doesn't grow on trees). Then there was chocolate tasting, admiring bowls and artworks, and also getting started on a bit of Christmas shopping. Handy.

I had fun going through bags of polymer clay beads at one stall after seeing necklaces of the sort on sale next door. I got excited (and felt pressured by some others who'd spotted my secret finds at the same time), so I decided to buy a whole bunch of them. They were only $1 per bag! I will eventually get creative to make some of my own easy jewellery, which is exciting.

Then there was Serena Kuhl's stall.

I was nearly done. Just a little section yet to be traversed. She had these beaded necklaces everyone wears too, having seen them across the way earlier. But getting to the table was something else.

I'm still gobsmacked by how amazingly expressive her jewellry is! It's bright, no, uber bright, and so funky - there's crystals, moon-surface stuff, all made of resin. I didn't know what NOT to buy.

After more umming and aahing (which people saw me do quite obviously throughout this time, I have the tendency to think rather visibly if there's such a thing), I decided on one of the chunky crystal rings and a blue glittery bangle. But it will not be the end. She has a Facebook and Instagram. And I see myself splurging a lot more than I can probably afford.


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