Friday, February 10, 2012

Shoe of the Week was a hard one because the shoes were all a bit tacky, but none really stood out... so I thought we'd turn Japanese.

If I went to a Japanese tea house like at Dubbo's Shoyoen Gardens, sure. Or somewhere in Japan if I ever manage to go. But how TRIPPY would wearing these shoes be? You'd almost keel over because your toes would continue after the front platform!

In other shoe news this week, I have suffered personal devastation.

My favourite work heels have turned to rubbish as my right foot apparently gave the shoe too much to handle. To be fair they were not from Wittner or Nine West. But seeing the side of my foot when wearing them says it's time to go.

They served me well for what it was worth but where to find another pair (here) like these Mary Janes I do not know. I can't bring myself to throw them out either, which is terrible!!! I don't know that I've ever been right-out forced to do that before...


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