Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Zealand really made itself known on the Hollywood scale after the likes of The Piano but really it was a trilogy by Peter Jackson that caused an explosion and formed a decent part of the reason for me wanting to visit.

In Wellington I got myself on a Lord of the Rings full-day tour. EPIC.

Me as Legolas in Rivendell.

Not one of my finest moments but it was fun...

This tree was actually never in the film, merely for the famous promotional picture of Legolas ahead of Fellowship of the Ring.

Other highlights:

Hiding from the evil forces as we left Hobbiton.

*I remain in touch with Frodo (left) and the Black Rider. Good times.

Visiting Weta Cave.

 And actually seeing something on The Hobbit set from outside Stonestreet Studios.

*That was taken from inside a bus. We weren't allowed to get out for likely retribution.

It was worth every cent. There were heaps of locations in between dressing up and watching clips. Decent amount of Subway for lunch (that one shop would be loving the crowds) and a fun group, even with a change in some people midway through the day. Movie Tours (with Ted). Get on it.


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