Tuesday, October 22, 2013

7.05am: Makes an informed choice to wear the brightest top she owns. The day's set to be a stinker at 35 degrees, and nothing's going to stop her from shining today.

11.12am: Hands in letter of resignation. It was harder than she thought, for perhaps the few seconds of revealing her news. But the managing editor understood her reasons for leaving, and proceeded to tell her about his own adventures concerning the same company. Use of remaining time in lieu, and therefore official end date, to be confirmed.

12.22pm: After continuing to let selected people know, she feels ready to burst. Mostly from being excited and happy, but there's a hint of nervousness. She tweets a song lyric, rare but appropriate to express how she feels.

1.37pm: Runs into the local cinema manager. He lived in her new location for six years and wasn't taking the piss as could have been the case. Said he loved it. She feels confident.

1.51pm: At lunch with her friend, she discovers a friend of her and her partner's lives there. And they want to visit. That's at least the third time the topic of visits has been mentioned for the day. Just about more than the total amount of times in two years for her current location.

1.59pm: A call from an unknown mobile number. She answers. A chief of staff from a paper she was previously interviewed at wants to discuss a possible opening in their production department. No writing involved, but using online/social media and editing skills as part of a team.

After declining the opportunity, she discovers the position for grabs back then was decided after 'very tough competition', and receives a lovely congratulations and best wishes before the call ends. She ponders the sheer randomness of that call when considering the lack of contact for about seven weeks after an interview from her home city.

3.10pm: Anxious about her use of remaining time in lieu, she asks the managing editor if he has sought necessary information. She has to wait until the next morning.

5.07pm: Walks out of work after a busy day, deciding to have eaten lollies and not go to the gym as a reward. She feels satisfied, and ready to reveal her news to the world.

7.26pm: After breaking the news on Facebook, she writes about her day. Laughs about the sheer SHOCK that has come from everyone on finding out. And then realises there's so much to be done, but just wants to watch Big Brother instead.


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