Friday, November 27, 2009

The penultimate month

November hasn't ended yet but it feels like it's ended up as being one of the craziest months of my life. Not only because it's signalled the end of uni, or that many are hitting the big 2-1 by now (I still have a fair way to go on that front) - but lots just seems to be happening.

Fair enough, November brings the start to the silly season with Adelaide's Christmas Pageant. This year I experienced the Melbourne version briefly but realised that Melbourne's always that busy anyway. Man I love that place. Our 'Unies' trip was a great way to let off a bit of steam, and although it was my third trip there for 2009 I still learnt more about the city. It's amazing.

So I wrote a list, right. Ha, total change of subject... A list of things to do in the summer that could be my last as I currently know it. It includes the usuals of shows to watch/books to read, but also things outside of my box. Like learning how to cook with the easy cookbook Steph bought me for my birthday, learning a language, and de-cluttering my room. I guess you'd call them life skills, preparing me for something beyond studying. Looking at it Blu-Tacked on my wall, there's a lot there. To be fair, I seemingly have months to complete it. But the prospect of that scares me a little. Then it begs the question: do I really want to find a 'real' job straight away?

It appears there could be a potential prospect coming my way... and whether that leads into something or not, I need to be ready for it. November's shown me I can deal with lots of things, but landing a full-time job would be all new territory. Being thrown in the deep end for me is nothing new now but it still shakes me up. Am I reeeeally ready?


  1. dj adelaide said...
    making a list is a great idea, i think i'm going to do the same, by experimenting with things you can unccover your true passions and that will give you hints as to where you want to go in your career also, cheers, loc
    Mandi said...
    Katina! you are so ready. You excel in everything you do. i so didn't know you had a blog! we must catch up xox
    steph. said...
    you should totally post your list up. a) makes you more accountable, b) gives me some ideas! haha. you are ready, but you also deserve some time to do what you want before hitting the workforce! just take things as them come, i say. x

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