Thursday, May 03, 2012

A year ago today I was in Aswan, Egypt, sailing on a felucca along the River Nile.

From my post at the time I didn't delve much into Egypt.

Egypt was loads of fun. Extremely hot even for early May, got to 52 degrees one day! Nuts. Sights were more and more impressive, two days on a felucca (boat) were incredibly relaxing besides the mozzie (and we think spider) bites I suffered. Only downside was the constant hassling from local men. I was glad to leave after the 9 days.

I didn't read that well enough before publishing it, seems contradictory to say it was loads of fun but glad to leave after nine days. But that's really how it was. I saw so many amazing temples but everything was so intense.

Visiting what is essentially a tourist-friendly Third World country I was struck by the extreme differences. Namely that I had to watch what I ate the whole time. I was scared at the first sight of our felucca food but quickly realised these guys knew what we could handle. It was some of the best traditional food I've ever had anywhere.

The felucca was amazing. Eight of us tourists, tour guide George and the three locals steering us along - we all became a very happy family. We relaxed, I caved and risked putting my body in the Nile (but not my head, didn't want my mouth touching the water), stuffed ourselves stupid with EVERY meal because we could, and on shore played soccer with locals before singing around a bonfire.

I also swallowed what pride I had and peed in darkness on the riverbank, and got eaten alive by what we could only assume was a spider. I still have a darkish circle on the front of my left foot. But what some saw as a risk to choose over a cruise liner paid off and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Egypt was also interesting because I visited three months after the January 25 revolution. The people were happy but so unsure of where their new government would come from, and how long it would take for stability. On completing a long bus trip we discover Osama Bin Laden was killed. But the men were the hardest thing to deal with as a woman. Modest dress makes no difference. That was the final straw and I was somewhat relieved to get on the outgoing plane.

Soon after the felucca I would be going to the Valley of the Kings which was very impressive. I don't have photos of any tombs here but these are other photos that sum up my Topdeck nine-day trip.

First in a series of six which I deem to be the funniest photo series EVER

This photo is entered in the Qatar Reflections competition. Vote for me!*


*I have two photos entered in the Qatar Reflections competition. Please show your support for me by voting for either photo! Short backstory and links here.


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