Sunday, September 09, 2012

Tonight I just wanted to quickly reflect on the awesome week I had away last week where I was one of 22 cadet journalists at the latest Fairfax Regional cadet induction - aka cadet camp (they have them twice a year).

I prepared myself for what to expect last week, and it was just that. A rehash of the uni degree with LOTS of shorthand (which I've since neglected with getting back and then preparing to go away again - another story). There was karaoke, a night out, but more than anything else there was FOOD.

Wow. Words cannot describe how amazingly fed we were by the end of that week. Morning teas, afternoon teas, 2-course dinners... We all likely gained a few kilos and all definitely went back with expectations of tea and cake at 10.30am. Some of us ended up improvising. Cake at work is king.


What I really got from it was meeting people my age from all over the place, and more importantly knowing they were all there for the same reason I was. It helps to know there are others finding their way. Five days together in our own journalistic bubble was never going to be enough. Good times.

After all this though I still had three days in Sydney as I'd originally planned, to go to a concert and see friends. Even this felt like a real holiday - I saw everyone I'd hoped to and more. I made a new friend, and although I already missed the Fairfax gang the idea of meeting people and hearing their stories continued.

Needless to say Tuesday morning didn't go down so well.


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