Sunday, August 26, 2012

At cadet camp I is

Amidst all the current uncertainty within the Fairfax sphere, newcomers like myself are privy to some of the perks the company has to offer.

I've landed for cadet camp!

OK, so it's really called a cadet induction if you want to get technical.
It's a week on the outskirts of Sydney where I, with all these other people, get to be trained in various parts of print and online journalism, complete with sessions on photography and shorthand. It's pretty much the three-year uni course rolled up into five days. And we get the flights and accommodation to do this. Win.
Yes, so I'm getting back into shorthand, four years after uni. Pretty handy considering I've let it slide big time. We get a 20-week correspondence course after the camp so we can start using it for real. Huzzah!

I'm lucky enough to be here with two of my colleagues so it's going to be one hell of a party. Well, as much as news gathering and learning about defamation can get our minds dancing!
My own party will continue as I stick around Sydney for a few extra days. A concert, hopefully some party times and coffee with friends and other bits and pieces will take up my time nicely.
I'm so excited!
**While I'm going to be oh-so-busy fraternising and learning, there's still room in my head and heart for you lot. I had some previous ideas already put to paper so you couldn't miss me for too long and they will appear in due course, so look out :)


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