Saturday, July 03, 2010

Dear Diary,

Things have been rather hectic these past few days - organising a party will do that to you. And not to mention muddling your memory; can't remember what games I actually tried to watch four nights ago, that's deplorable.

So night 18: This is the hazy one... think I watched the beginning of Netherlands vs Slovakia and vaguely remember Dad waking me up saying 'You're missing the soccer, the soccer!!!' I remember brushing him off and somehow stumbling to bed, not knowing what time it was or even caring that I was missing out. Missed Brazil vs Chile completely and didn't know the score until a while later. Hours of sleep: something like 8, 8.5. That's the most I'd had in weeks. God knows I needed it.

Night 19: I was starting to prepare for my party here, so getting photos off an infected computer in a room whose TV doesn't get SBS made it hard for me to watch Paraguay vs Japan properly. Ended up being a tense game though (enough to make me sit down for the last bit of ET and the penalties), a shame Japan couldn't further Asia's aspirations. Was really keen on getting up for Spain vs Portugal so I did. Confident that Spain would win, and they did... don't remember too much of it again (wow, I'm really sounding like a broken record by now aren't I?). Hours of sleep: between games 2.5, after another 2 I think? So about 4.5.

Night 20: No matches! And I didn't even realise until later because there was so much I had to do anyway. Hours of sleep: 3.5. And THAT'S because photo collages don't magically create themselves.

Night 21: No matches here either I think (it's frying my brain so I'm giving up on trying to figure it out. Because I know I had to finish the collages and so still had a late night). Hours of sleep: 6.5.

Night 22: My party! And Brazil vs Netherlands was on! I was at the bar watching it on the screen above amidst the festivities and saw Brazil's goal early on. I had hoped the DJ would play 'Cup of Life' as I'd requested (hey, it's the World Cup and that's the best theme for it ever) but alas he did not. Total shame. Can't believe Brazil lost! That's so crazy! Maybe it was because they were wearing their blue and they're not used to wearing a duller colour. Maybe they passed to the Oranjes by mistake a bit because they got confused. Either way, the Cup's provided some really interesting upsets after an average start. Almost had another one with Ghana vs Uruguay too - Dad excitedly telling me in detail how the Ghanaian hit the crossbar with his penalty and then lost in the shootout. It's like with Japan but for Africa - but they should be so proud to have gotten so far, an awesome effort.

Hours of sleep: about 10.5. I KNOW, RIGHT? But when you're intoxicated you can't help it, and then find yourself getting to the duties of the day at 4 in the afternoon. Oops. Going to be out for Germany vs Argentina tonight, hopefully there's a screen where we're going. Or I'll tape it. OR I CAN WATCH IT ON MY PHONE! After all, I did pay for access, sweeeeet. Geez I'm smart sometimes. And Paraguay vs Spain should be good too, I can watch that at home.


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