Sunday, February 12, 2012


I hate to use a phrase coined by a man with intense drug and alcohol issues whose enormous ego and fame got the better of him. But Charlie Sheen had a point when he was focused on winning.

However, unlike his objective to be better than anyone else, the little personal wins in life are just as important. I'm sharing a few of those with you now...

I went with my mum last month to Harry Potter: the Exhibition, which is still in Sydney. She bought me one of the chocolate frogs as a souvenir (they were freakin' $5 - I've never seen them in Australia before so they must be US imports or something). Didn't eat said frog until two weeks ago (was absolutely divine for mass-produced chocolate) - and look at my luck!

You'd want to get the mother of all cards and I so did. Winning.


Speaking of cards, I scored a free gift card valid for food, electronics, varietystuffs (I'm making that a word if not already invented) and booze last week...

All because I knew who Catherine Martin's husband was before 499 other people in a texting quiz during Optus Flix in the Stix. The answer: Baz Lurhmann. Knew my high school drama studies would come in handy at some point. Winning.


For me, this is the big one. Backtracking to May 2011, I suffered a fair bit of shock when I discovered I had all my media kits and info from my time at Festival de Cannes stolen on leaving France (re: entering Spain). One of the most valuable things was the official program, which I only recently wrote to the media office there to attempt to get another copy. They openly obliged.

I was reduced to tears when I saw this sitting at my door. Couldn't get a replacement press pass, but flicking through this gave me a sense of achievement, a way of sticking it to those soulless people who steal to get through life. NO, I did NOT have a laptop in that bag! Suckers. Winning.

What makes you feel like you're winning in life? Or what's something you're working towards winning at?


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