Friday, December 21, 2012

Today marks the end of the world on the Mayan calendar, a day that has been talked about for centuries.

Now it is here, and I'm not sure what to think. I mean, there's a good chance that there is no reason for the world to end - just look at NASA's statement. If the smart guys are confident we're not going anywhere then we shouldn't be worried, right? But at the same time life often throws us a curveball, so there is that possibility.

More likely though, is that perhaps it'll be the end of the world as we know it in one way or another. Perhaps today a world leader will make an announcement to shake up a particular region. Or someone of significance may pass. Ha, maybe the Euro will finally collapse in a huge heap and Europe reverts to the currencies of old.

If I knew today was my last day and I had one day to do whatever I want, I'd probably fly home, get my mum and make her go to the beach with me. I'd be grateful for having the life I've had and the opportunities it's given me (not that I'm not every day anyway) and go knowing I've done a bit.

Any regrets? There are things I wish I had done or said differently at particular times for sure, and there are things I have so far missed in life, but no. Life is life and that's what I've had to accept.

I hope to wake up tomorrow and still be alive. I'm going home for Christmas damn it, and I want to be able to enjoy my holiday. Plus there's too much going on to start 2013 for the world to end!


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