Monday, December 31, 2012

As 2012 comes to an end, we often reflect on the highlights and low points. Yesterday was definitely a highlight, with my Twitter review of the past year.

London 2012 and Eurovision dominated conversation, while Luke, my Twitter BFF since January, was most involved in my discussions. Take a look if you like. It's a pretty graphic.


It's the end of 2012, so I'm going to reflect a bit about what my year's been like in a nutshell.

January brought about the Australian Open and its frustrations, the beginning of my year-long shoe watch (still yet to be completed on here I realise) and I wasn't sure about definite locations for my New Zealand trip. I embarked on that trip at the end of February, beforehand having discovered I was falling in love with reading all over again.

March was mostly holidaying still, while April brought about the return of the mullet in my life, realising my social experiments for Dubbo had largely failed and beginning a trip down memory lane from my epic 2011 adventure.

May. Wow. Introducing Julia and Luke somewhat to Eurovision during my 10th year of watching, being chosen as the runner-up for the Dubbo Showgirl and dramas within Fairfax made it a crazy month.

June was when I discovered online streaming (hel-lo Euro 2012) but July was when I received a crazy amount of hits for a photo I used of Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker (455 at time of writing), The Dark Knight Rises happened and the Olympics had started while home for my birthday.

The end of August marked my time at cadet camp as well as the end of a crazy two months of sports watching, then September got crazy in another way as I travelled from Dubbo to Adelaide and back by car. There are still entries to come on that, again, a result of recent developments.

I was tired in October, but still felt plenty was going on as I found I was allergic to running and then sided with most of Australian AFL fans on the Kurt Tippett saga. Oh, and I was mesmerised by the 7 Up series.

November saw the end of Big Brother's return and Stereosonic (my first festival in more than 12 months), not to mention the beginning of my recent blogging decline with photo issues. December hasn't been without its moments though, namely the prank call scandal, the end of the world and my quest to become a professional blogger for

It's been a pretty huge year.

I've been blessed with the opportunity for more travel, both domestically and the great time in NZ. I've spent time with family and friends well, seeing as it doesn't come around much with my current location, and while there's been turmoil in the company, work's alright. I'm constantly learning about myself and others and that's all I can ask for.

I think 2013 has the potential to be my biggest year yet. I just have to utilise it early. Happy new year!

*For the record, I don't know what my favourite film of 2012 was. I'm yet to see The Hobbit and haven't had time to really assess it. But I think The Dark Knight Rises would be up there.


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