Friday, July 19, 2013

For anyone who believes in astrology, you'll know that these cycles are a bitch.

But as this Mercury retrograde cycle comes to an end tomorrow, I can't remember a period where I've felt the effects more.

I love my car.
Two weeks ago I was on the road for an interview in Wollongong. Six-and-a-half hours there and back, going through the Blue Mountains.

It's not ideal starting a new job under retrograde, and I didn't get it anyway. But I came back with car problems. My car has handled a 2700 kilometre trip among countless drives on country roads and it decides to go half kaput on a single trip in Mercury retrograde. Go figure.

I should also mention it was the first time the trip took LONGER than the Google Maps estimate.
When does THAT ever happen?!

A few days later I was off to Sydney - my taxi was late at 5.30am and I went to a nearby rank to be safe. Then my (6.30am) flight was delayed nearly two hours - because of a de-icing issue on a surprisingly unfrosty morning.

Then my friend's flight in from Melbourne was cancelled and she was put on a flight about four hours later.

And then dinner plans that night went awry because of Facebook miscommunications after a couple of people pulled out.

And THEN the same group flying back to Melbourne had their flight cancelled AGAIN and waited for three hours to board.

My point? Not all coincidence.

On a global scale there was the San Francisco plane crash. Also the big Canadian train explosion.

'Nuff said.

Have YOU ever had a bad Mercury retrograde experience?

When you're told that you have some kind of physical affliction, you can either prepare to suffer or prepare to heal.


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