Friday, July 26, 2013

The freest people in the world are those who have inner peace.

Give love and unconditional acceptance to those you encounter, and notice what happens.

Both of these are inspiring quotes, and I'm still rather enjoying going through
Staying on the Path and seeing what is there for me to take in every day.

There are some though that I sometimes see and think it's so much easier said than done. Or a case of just shaking my head because it'll never really happen.

I feel ya Cas. Photo:

Take the second quote. I would say I'm nice to just about everyone I know - I certainly do my best to get along with people in all the different areas of my life.

There are some people that just don't want a bar of it though. People that perhaps have their own insecurities (everyone has those) but can't hide them other than by putting up a wall. Those who just have no sense of common courtesy, and those who are just plain rude and/or negative.

What happens? You try and be nice to people, be positive to people, but there will always be instances where it gets thrown back in your face.

That always hurts.

They try and teach you the concept of giving love/politeness/positivity to others to receive it, and I'm very much a believer in karma. Unfortunately, I finally have to face the fact not everyone grasps this. And I'm trying to deal with it.

At this point in time that quote really reads as "Give love and unconditional acceptance but don't waste your energy or expectation on getting the response you (think you) deserve".

It's still important to radiate positivity in life even if not everyone agrees with your view. For sanity of the soul.


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