Tuesday, December 01, 2009

My Melbourne 'Unies' trip let me discover many things. One of those was this grand new release 'book' called This Is Not A Book. Funny that I discover it in a bookstore away from home, but I couldn't resist. It was staring at me from the counter. It was red, and had a scribbled title which intrigued me. And I hadn't bought a book in ages (from an actual bookstore). So I bought it.

And it's not a book. Might be in the shape of one, but it's telling me it could be something that could change my life. A series of 'tasks' fill the pages, asking you to do things outside the square. What a perfect way to spend the summer. And summer it is... fitting that I decide to grab it this morning and realise it's December 1st. Woah. December. The first 'official' day of summer. Sweet.

I've yet to look through it all but thought I'd be logical to start with and begin on page 1. The task is as follows:

This is an inconvenience. Take This Is Not A Book everywhere you go for one week. You must place it in full view at all times.

So if you see a red book poking out of my bag or on the table over the next 7 days you know why. And I'm daring you not to be curious. The goal is to get through everything in the next few months. You can help me if you wish. Because this thing with pages that apparently isn't what it's meant to be is sticking around.

1 Comment:

  1. dj adelaide said...
    sounds like a fun little project, i might try it out myself also!

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