Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ok, so this could be the most pointless blog in history (because I haven't done any extra tasks - major sadness.) but as part of completing the book, I am determined to show every photo for this month. So here goes.

Day 8: Went to an early media screening (of British comedy In The Loop, which I don't think comes out here until January but it has everywhere else... that really shits me when they do that), so was in town before 9. Therefore, not as many people crowding Adelaide's most famous meeting place. And with the pretty Christmas decorations I couldn't resist. Who doesn't love the Malls Balls?

Day 9: Lots of walking around. Plenty of visits to the local library this week too, which is good. Refamiliarising. But I found this particularly amusing in the reserve as I walked out to go home. Just follow the arrow. And that I did.

Day 10: today. Knew I was going for a workout and then off to work. Thought I'd do the right thing and park in the actual Westfield staff carpark At Mitsubishi 5-10 mins away (however, I'm okay with it because it's in my general direction. Sucks for the Glenelg/hills people). Eventually found it after going through the opposite entrance and then realising I wasn't where I should be. But I persisted - I want a free $25 gift card dammit! Today's photo is merely the point at the bus stop. Oh so interesting.

Sorry to bore you stupid with that. Seems a slight let down from such a busy week before. Will try for more interesting events soon, promise.

Pages in progress: 62
Pages completed: 1, 8-9, 7, 88, 124
Pages completed by others: 7 (Spratt, 1-12-09)


  1. steph. said...
    go katina go! can we do one together on monday?! find a group one!

    wtf westfield parking system? ohhh dear. see you soo
    Katina said...
    I'm looking as we speak... there are group ones, we should definitely make a go of it!

    If anything you can all make comments on the friends page (I discovered that last week and was very excited)!
    Katina said...
    I FOUND ONE! Page 79, remind me...

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