Sunday, December 13, 2009

As well as TINAB, I'm completing a summer list and have gotten a few things ticked off. Receipts from as early as 2003 have been cleaned out, but more importantly the missing pieces of my Cut Print Review collage have been slotted in. My photo of the day shows my wall feature with all the films I've reviewed/opinionated(!) on since I started writing for the site about 15 months ago:

To other tasks, and after a really slack three days I decided to make use of my bus trip to work and do another entry. This one really intrigued me and I wasn't sure whether I'd fill the page with my answers. But as per usual with these things, I was struggling for room. Page 192 was about 'a parallel universe'; what would my world be like if everything was the opposite of what it is now?...

Instead of a mum, dad and brother I'd have a dad, mum and sister. I would be a PR graduate rather than a journalist. I would loathe movies and TV. If hospitality's the opposite of retail then that's what I'd be working in. I'd have a long-term boyfriend. Both my grandpas would've seen me grow up and graduate. Overseas trips would be the norm. I wouldn't have tears welling up while writing this. Wouldn't be writing this on the bus either (like I was supposed to). I'd be the youngest child. All my closest friends would be male. I would be male. Does this mean I'd be a version of my brother? I'd rarely go to concerts. I'd hate Kylie, Gyroscope, etc. My playing sport of choice would be AFL or (gasp) netball. I wouldn't have loving, hilarious friends. I'd hate Facebook and Twitter. I'd have hated uni. I'd be Italian or American - depends on what you view as opposite. Wouldn't have woken up with cramps in my legs this morning. Really wouldn't like hanging out with the family. I'd be the youngest of my cousins, and the same gender as most. Other things I won't mention here. I wouldn't have an interesting life. Because I do have an interesting life.


Yesterday's (Day 12) 21st ended up being a good night. However, it must be noted as the first I'd managed to experience so far with a stripper show (unbeknownst to the lad in front of family :/ ). It was really something. Below are Penny and Jana during the show. Impressed? Hm. Awkward? Just a little:

Today ended up having a series of known events but with random consquences. Had to go to church... turns out Croydon has a new priest flown in from Melbourne with plans to shake things up to get the young people back in. More English (very handy), no candles at the front (gasp!) and the guts to shut the old ladies up. There was an outraged lady screaming outside after and it was intense. Afterwards, one of my 2nd cousins (he's 2) would hardly let go of my legs and proceed to dribble all over my jeans. Ew. And then I had my Fresh Xmas BBQ, where there was a good amount of cricket and for some, rowboat rides in the lake. Today's photo is of Meg supposedly having enough (but really trying to push their boat over the completely shallow part). At least there's no chance of drowning!

There is interest in completing a group task tomorrow night... oh how that would balance out my tasks to date!

Pages in progress: 62
Pages completed: 1, 8-9, 7, 88, 124, 192
Pages completed by others: 7 (Spratt, 1-12-09)


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