Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Motherly updates

The talks I have with my mother every night (yes, the chain is yet to be broken since my move) are nothing short of enlightening. Last night she told me about the love and sacrifice a woman makes for her daughter's happiness. The latest family happenings.

My cousin Maree asked my aunty Lucy to make some kourambiethes for her clients at work - you know, the Greek shortbread biscuits either round or cresent shaped. Since she had two days off Lucy agreed being the good cook that she is, and set on making 120. Not 120 biscuits it turns out, but 120 boxes of 5-7 biscuits. Now, 120x5 is 600. By the end of Monday she had made 800 - their demand grew. And then some. Over two days Lucy made 1200 of these biscuits. TWELVE-HUNDRED. My golly, that's a lotta dough. And icing sugar, wowee. But obviously a lot of love to go with it. Hilarious! How exhausting though, what a trooper! Damn, I gotta get me one of those, I miss Yiayia's.

Then conversation moved somehow to chain letters and my mum reveals herself to be a total sucker for them because she worries she'll get bad luck if she doesn't forward it to ten friends. Oh wow. Then a bit of gold: "I would write to ten people every time I got one. Because that's what we used to do, we'd have to write them."

Something tells me the chain letters were a bit more substantial than 'you are awesome, forward to ten people if you think they're awesome too'. They would have to be right? Aaaahhhhh I love my mother's randomness sometimes. Eight days until the parents are here in person to dish out some more...


  1. Anonymous said...
    Oh Katina, I still can't believe made all those biscuits! It seems like a dream.....enjoyable reading xx
    Katina said...
    Haha thankyou! It was a story worth telling :D

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