Wednesday, October 31, 2012

This morning's news was mindblowing. Mindblowing.

Darth Vader and the galactic universe of Star Wars has been acquired by Disney in a deal for $US4.05 billion.

Yeah, billion.

George Lucas remains a creative consultant on future Star Wars projects but gives the reins to Disney and new Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. There's Episodes VII, VIII and IX waiting in the wings with Episode VII slated for release in 2015.


OK, so Lucas has always had multiple ideas for different parts of the universe, but he was panned over his control with Episodes I, II and III. He said that was it, done and dusted, but apparently he only meant that it wasn't him that would take it forward.

I'm excited about the prospect of a new Star Wars film as much as the next fan, and there's no doubt I'd go to see whatever they produce. But I'm just wary that it'll lose touch with the fantasy of it all in favour of even more commercialism than with the second trilogy. One comment I read online today was something like, "Disney does Star Wars... I can't even finish that sentence.". Doesn't sound good when you put it that way, even though I think Disney are fabulous.

The shaky part of this for me more than anything though is the idea that it might even go past nine films and do a Bond. With 007 it's about one guy who saves the world and most of the others involved flit in and out. More character-driven. Star Wars, while importantly full with lovable characters, has a bit more to it in terms of continuous plot. How could that be strongly sustained?

Am I too cynical? Or completely wrong - will the acquisition actually sustain the Star Wars love forever?


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