Friday, January 04, 2013

Today was about trying to be merely in the world; I remembered how to breathe.

Practice being in the world but not of the world - learn to ignore how things outside of you are going, and know that higher awareness is truly a disappearing act.

This is actually not something I totally agree with - I love the idea of being a person of the world; the industry I've chosen to place myself in would suggest that.

Since going to work adhering to this wasn't really possible, and even on getting home I was curious to find out just how hot Adelaide got (45 degrees - unbelievable, but Hobart's 42 was preposterous). For the record Dubbo only hit 38.

But living in Dubbo has shown me I am merely capable of just being in the world - not watching the news for a day or knowing what's happening is somewhat easy. I can disappear.


To not overload my Saturday review posts, I will try to post that day's affirmations either on Fridays or Sundays.

Tomorrow I will acknowledge and practice the following:

Send out love and harmony, put your mind and body in a peaceful place, and then allow the universe to work in the perfect way that it knows how.

Sounds like a beautiful way to appreciate a summer Saturday.

Why the affirmation?


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