Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Melbourne effect

Not many cities have a similar effect on such a diverse range of people, but Melbourne is one of them. I found proof while I was there two weeks ago, as I spoke to four of my friends/family who have moved to Melbourne for a particular purpose.

All four are female, and each had experienced different things as they settled into living there. There had been ups and downs but ultimately Melbourne had improved their wellbeing and lifestyle.

I call it the Melbourne effect.

I can't speak on what Melbourne is like for males, but I've heard on good account that it's just as amazing for them. What I realised talking to these lovely ladies though was how BUSY they were. Melbourne is a city of things happening all the time. And they were thriving on it. And they were happy.

I like to keep myself busy a lot, and I'm generally a sociable person. I was listening to their stories, of work, study and play and getting excited. Because now I've moved out of home and am comfortable with that, everywhere's a potential residence.

Melbourne's always been one of my favourite cities, having gone there the most outside of Adelaide growing up. Now as an adult, I would be the perfect Melburnian. The Melbourne effect would have innumerable advantages with me as a candidate because I take what I can out of anywhere I go. I'd go to the footy more, the Melbourne International Film Festival (oh yes), all of ACMI's exhibitions - it's endless! Then there's the clothing scene... oh, and going out *sigh*.

Do you get what I mean? I feel the effect rubbed off on me a bit actually. I catch trams around Melbourne and it feels normal. I hardly felt like a tourist.

I just have to find the right job to get there.

You have a very powerful mind that can make anything happen so long as you keep yourself centred.


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