Thursday, January 10, 2013

While I'm primarily a sub-editor these days, overall I'm just beginning my career as a journalist right? I know sometimes I thought part of it would be glamorous before I started, and was inspired by seeing cool journalists portrayed on film and in books.

But even before finishing my studies I learned that it's not glamorous. I've found that writing is great and stories make me feel like I've accomplished something, but there's the romantic element intertwined with female journalists that doesn't transcend to real life. Why can't we see someone like a female Tin Tin?

This week, I've watched a couple of films with female journalists that show we work really hard to gain equality in the office and how we sometimes feel totally insecure about ourselves.

Case study #1: Never Been Kissed

Josie (Drew Barrymore) grew up a complete nerd and was treated terribly through high school, but when her job as a copy editor and her chief of staff's is on the line, she agrees to go undercover and return to the stomping ground that made her life's worst memories.

The pressure put on all journalists is extraordinary sometimes, and here she's forced to become a different person. Josie's not an actress, but with luck on her side it works. However, even with becoming popular she still faces the problem of finding the story that will save her job.

She's 25. That's going to be me in two years time. In the industry that seems like a pretty big task for someone a few years or so out of university, and in the film an absolutely crazy first assignment as a reporter... but could I be up to that challenge?


Case study 2: Bridget Jones Diary: The Edge of Reason

Another case of insecurity comes from the lovable Bridget, who gets off to a (pardon the pun) flying start when forced to skydive for a story. She's doing her best to be taken seriously in the TV industry, an area primarily reserved for those on the slimmer side.

While the focus on both films are on her quest to find love, she still just wants to be respected for her work and is fed up with doing the filler stories. At the same time, she continuously holds her head high with integrity.


Watching these characters, I think they're amazing. Not just because they're the backbone of great films, but they're females out there doing what they love - in one way or another. They're headstrong and willing to challenge themselves, but also unsure of their overall abilities and a little hopeless when it comes to love. A bit like me.

I do question myself on whether I will get to the point where I'm looked to to come up with something inspiring. Don't worry, I know films are intentionally unrealistic, but they make me think of what could be. Hopefully a career ahead in an area I'm good at and know I want to focus on long-term.

At the end of the day, at least I know I can skydive.

Meditation gives you an opportunity to come to know your invisible self. It will shatter the illusion of your separateness.
What's this here for?


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