Monday, April 16, 2012

As I said in my previous NZ post, the Kiwis have the right sort of attitude for life. As such, they've definitely had to rely on it in times of hardship in the last year.

The visit to Christchurch was terribly saddening because of the destruction that still remains after the big earthquakes. I was shocked to see that there was just that much left to clean up still and had destroyed not only buildings but the routine of life - work, socialising...

But the lovely people of the city seem to be doing much better than anyone's giving them credit for. Laughing in the face of misfortune #1:

I went into a souvenir/gift store in the Re:Start complex and found a book called You Know You're From Christchurch When... which was hilarious. A series of anecdotes relating to the earthquakes that distinguish them from everyone else... laughing at misfortune #2.

How could they be laughing at themselves like this? Another one was "It's considered normal to have a drop hole in the backyard." (I was told by my friend later that was because the sewerage was wrecked in a large part of the city). I look around incredulously and the assistant just said to me "It's good, isn't it?" I replied that I thought it was so great they can see the situation as such and she shrugged and said:

"You just have to laugh at it, what else are you going to do?"
"Some days are hard but you keep going."

Amazing spirit from these people all around. I really should have bought the book.


I had my own slight New Zealand misfortune in the idyllic Bay of Islands as I was about to head to the beach. My tiny orange padlock (and I mean tiny) was stuffing up on me and decided to lock all my stuff in the hostel room locker after snapping the key clean in half. It was already late afternoon so I was on limited time for good sun. Bolt cutters were missing on site, and then the lovely Mexican receptionist went everywhere hunting for them. What he found were garden shears.

Laughing at misfortune #3

After being watched by my German and Dutch roommates not having much luck, I enlisted their help to pull the lock as I tried to crush the loop bit. Mr Mexican Man had to attend to customers... he came back a few minutes after we'd reduced the tiny lock to this.

Needless to say, I didn't get to the beach. That waited another day.


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